Feeling safe?

A tale of two tyres

On the face of it nothing very significant.  Just a white van with two worn tyres.

2014-09-22 17.42.15   V376 EET
V376 EET had its N&P branding removed a couple of months ago. Since that date it has been daily driven, as far as I can tell, solely by staff members of N&P Windows
2014-09-22 17.42.08
Belonging to V376 EET photographed 22/9/14
2014-09-22 17.41.59
Belonging to V376 EET photographed 22/9/14

Many people have noted that the Police have been noticeably absent for the past ten years.   If the Police had enforced The Law this factory would have moved on many years ago.   I have had correspondence with ‘officialdom’ for many years, including but not exclusively, Police, WBC, HSE, Councillors, front bench MP’s of both parties and my dog.   In the light of the publicity surrounding this public nuisance factory I wondered if Manor Road Police station had turned over a new leaf.

Taking the photographs to Manor Road Police Station at 17.55 on 22/9/14 I advised the man on the desk of the situation.  Not as a question he advised me ” you know who this vehicle belongs to ”     I asked for an incident/log number, I was refused one.   I pointed out that Manor Road Police station has a disgraceful record of failure to prosecute N&P Windows despite apparently having several thousand opportunities to do so.  He closed the book that he had recorded the incident in and said ‘He would deal with it’, I expressed my doubt and said that I would be surprised if anything happened.

Six hours later I also directly emailed Peter Kolokotroni, the Merseyside PCC and another Police Officer, I sent the photographs and my account of the reporting incident.

2014-10-06 00.18.58
Attached to V376 EET photographed 6/10/14
2014-10-06 00.19.23
Attached to V376 EET photographed 6/10/14

Moving on a fortnight and one of the tyres had gone beyond worn and was threadbare.   With full knowledge of the Police this commercial vehicle had been driving around Wallasey in rain soaked conditions with worn/threadbare tyres.   Clearly N&P Windows are not concerned with the safety of themselves or anyone else.

The Police have not delivered
Basic, Day 1, Kindergarten levels of service.


Public endangered by official inaction
to hazardous work practises.


Seemingly the general public need hard hat and safety boots just to visit the local Post Office.

This lengthy (4.28), three part, silent video shows what appears to be the negligent work practises of two companies. (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Duty_of_…) N&P Windows, Wallasey and their supplier Synseal.

11/11/2014 at 07.00 a Synseal lorry (BK11 WHD) is parked on a Zig-Zag and Yellow line for over 45 minutes whilst unloading into N&P Windows, Wallasey.

Wirral Borough Councill, Police and HSE, Local Councillors and our MP all have been advised innumerable times of this public danger, this is not a one off event,and that it happens every week, it persists with full knowledge of the local authorities. It looks like local officialdom is more than happy for the residents of Wallasey to be endangered for directors profits.

This event was recorded on 11 November 2014. The Synseal lorry (BK11 WHD) arrived at 07.00 and left at 07.46. The local Police (Manor Road Police Station Wallasey) were informed at 07.16 that a lorry was parked on zig-zag and yellow line, outside a newsagents/Post Office, on a blind bend, on a busy road and was likely to be there for another 30 minutes. They were advised (for the umpteenth time) that the factory, N&P Windows, Wallasey was dangerously using Rugby Road and Wallasey Road as an extension of their factory and treating it as a loading bay.

One hour after the initial call a Police car drove past at 08.16.
Manor Road Police station is 0.8 miles away.

Please see http://wp.me/p3MnKl-J for a summary of ten years ineffective Police work



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