For George who endured N&P Windows customer relations

8th December 2017 For visitors from @toadovision

I believe that it is impossible that the dangers to the residents of Wallasey that this site presents could only have persisted for 14 years without the collusion or complicity of individuals within multiple official bodies.

How could it have been possible for the Police from Manor Road Police Station, multiple representatives from Wirral Borough Council and Merseyside Fire and Rescue Service to be blind for 14 years to the obstruction, pollution, noise, danger to children, pedestrians and road users?

Blind to the deadly threat from storing tonnes of toxic material alongside flammable materials to kill or poison thousands of people?  Stored in the centre of this residential area and directly against residents homes.  This is like ignoring an arms dump.

Corruption is the death of democracy.  There needs to be an investigation into the behaviour of multiple agencies and the decision made by Mr Thew from the Planning Inspectorate  when a resident reports hearing them* ‘with their snouts in the trough’ it needs investigating.

*them = Two members of Wirral Borough Council, the owners of N&P Windows (Ltd.) and Mr Thew during the proceedings site visit.

These photographs were taken at 08.13 on the 11th June 2003. They show George, late of 3 Rugby Road, Wallasey, asking N&P Windows, 188 Wallasey Road, Wallasey, CH44 2AG to stop using their vans to block his garage.  He was an old man and needed to use his car to drive his unwell (now deceased)  sister-in-law to hospital.

Replying to Georges request to stop blocking his driveway one of N&P’s staff threatened to take George down the entry for a fight, during this the other staff looked on and smirked.    Nobody in this photograph intervened to stop these threats, you can see the owner of the company overseeing this whilst closing the van door.  All of the people in the photograph continued to work for the company for many years.  By failing to stop these threats of violence the owner of N and P Windows is clearly showing what sort of a company he is running.

This incident and the photographs were relayed to Manor Road Police Station, Wallasey.  George did not feel able to press charges, N&P Windows never offered an apology and continued their obnoxious behaviour.

They persisted in blocking his way until his dying day.

Please read that line again.

They persisted in blocking his way until his dying day.

Vehicles from this rubbish tip  factory would obstruct his driveway whenever it suited them.

Please understand that George and his sister-in-law were tormented for years by the actions of this factory.

Would a  decent person associate themselves company that threatened pensioners who just wanted to be able to leave their own home?

This is the disgusting way that this company dealt with a reasonable request from their vulnerable neighbour.

Here I’m apologising to Kay who used to live at No.2 Rugby Road. Like George she said last years were destroyed by the “yobs and thugs, (N&P Windows) that’s all they are”, those are her words.

In the end she was driven from her home for the final six months of her life, she found the noise and disturbance N&P Windows to be intolerable.

Apologising because we doubted her when she told us that a factory was coming to this road.    I am hoping to get hold of documentation from any of her relatives to show how she tried to get Wirral Borough Council to stop N&P Windows, Wallasey from emptying their vans into a skip at 06.00 seven days a week. The noise, filth and disturbance drove her out of her own home.

DSC_7375 George

George and his Sister in Law
George and his Sister in Law had to contend with harassment until they died
Owner of N&P looks on as his vehicle blocks Georges driveway
Owner of N&P looks on as another of his vehicles blocks George’s driveway, unceasing harassment until he died
If you still want to deal with a company with the morals of a snake then then this is what happens when they arrive in your house. Latest reviews from Yellow Pages. If you value your property why take chances? There are competitive and reputable companies on the Wirral, don't use this one.
This is what happens when they arrive in your house. Latest reviews from Yellow Pages. If you value your property why take chances? There are competitive and reputable companies on the Wirral, don’t use this one.

If you still want to deal with a company with the morals of a snake then then this is what happens when they arrive in your house. Latest reviews from Yellow Pages. If you value your property why take chances? There are competitive and reputable companies on the Wirral, don't use this one.
This is what happens when they arrive in your house. Latest reviews from Yellow Pages. If you value your property why take chances? There are competitive and reputable companies on the Wirral, don’t use this one.
Google review from October 2017, reviews that match the photographs, a company that should be avoided.
Google review from October 2017, reviews that match the photographs, a company that should be avoided.
They have been storing their ladders like this since July 2015. Merrily destroying their own guttering. Do you want this shower on your property?
N&P have been storing their ladders like this since July 2015. If they don’t care about their own property, why would you imagine they would care about yours?  Check out their vans to see how careful they are.

When you don’t care about your own property then this is the company for you.

January 2016

The Health and Safety Executive have “informed N & P Windows that if HSE receive any further concerns about their premises and unsafe loading then a Prosecution Notice will be served”
N&P Windows Ltd. must not use the public highway or pavements as a loading bay. They must always use a banksman when manoeuvring vehicles about their premises; the banksman must always wear appropriate HiVis clothing.

If you ever (between now and the end of time) witness a breach of these or other H&SE requirements please contact:
case reference 4404592,
0151 951 4537 Bradley Wigglesworth
has been involved in this case.

Don’t put yourself in danger but a photograph or short video could clarify any offence. Naturally the unsafe loading requirement and all other H&SE regulations apply wherever this company or its employees are operating.

Alternatively if you find the path, roadway or your driveway obstructed by any of their vehicles please LOG IT at

This is the only way that any problems will be recorded.

If you are looking for competitively priced suppliers I have used
Doorstore for doors and windows several times and found them extremely good value and totally reliable .  I have had good reports from
UltraSeal and
FourSeasons too.
Looking for supplies
There really isn’t any need to use this company, non-threatening alternatives are out there.   Until they move, anyone but N&P Windows Ltd. (Wirral)

The purpose of this website is to give information supporting a petition to Wirral Borough Council, its intention is to return Rugby Road to an entirely residential area. Not a residential area with an added rubbish tip/factory that threatens our health, pollutes the land, obstructs the road and pavements, threatened pensioners, operates noisily from 06.00hrs, has machinery that is so loud that the operators need ear defenders but N&P leave the doors and windows open so we can all suffer.